


They held the loveless is heart and went away

My being and non-being were topics on tips

My heart rakes often knots of 'how' and 'why'

What a noisy display of mud and clay

Who brought the wide world on the cosmos scene


My heart not prisoned is writhing with pain

O Amrine, thou hast turn'd the cup of wine

The self writhing hearts are captives of lures

I tread a path there which leads no where

Keep off my wine from shallow hearted meeks

Thou hast no quest in thy efforts and zeals

Bid me shake the world with a cry and hue

A gloom still lurking in broad day light

Thy slave I'm and seek thy pleasure alone


My heart knows not the bliss of His flame

How to tell tale of 'Deen' and father land

A Muslim tied up with a foreign land

I wish not this world nor cosmos whole

What ye hopes from an easy going bloke


I seek for that nation a rising field

How long shall you gaze with a wrathful stare?

That bliss of the past may come or not

If so e'er comes that gifted mystic sage

My heart is wealth mine who knows pang's pine


To lose heart to some one he did not know

My heart so restive is fleeing from me

I donned big circles on a likewise night

Knows not the Gabriel this hue and cry

The sky seldom sees alike this age


Get me Seenay's truth, and love of his name


A Muslim gloats in hunger and patches

A nation again whom duty is dear

A nation again whose hearts would adorn


Thy world is ruled by misers few

A hungry seeker begged his Sheikh to plead


Looking in a mess is Indian State

From bondage a Moslem is a self sold guy


So calculate once all the losses and gains

What is the lasting life is known to thee


When the old world gets its apex of height

My body is tired but soul still flies

O, tent chamberlain! leave the tent hark

I keep my eyes penchant on hearts essence

I know not who dazzled and killed this heart

Ask not of lustre drunk's caravan scene

I cherish for Yasrib though I am old


To love'an rapture sins gave a common sense

You ask the spots where I played my jazz there


That dawn I asked naqah not to run quick

She needs no reins O I teamster hence!

Yet tears moist vivid in jet black eyes


How lucky are deserts caravan lines

Hail the desert whose eve is morning gay


Who's that Ajmi as head of caravan

A place in love and raptures was his aim


A hidden grief untold is clear

In pits grow poppies from vernal tide


A page of Iraqi sometimes I turn

Let the hiker's grief take a blissful turn


Come O! chum for a tie to weep and cry

To wise he gave less wealth and affluence

The world with four sides I have in arm-pit

In this valley lies a lasting life new


A Muslim was a king and saint so high

The heart takes heat from thy love pangs' flame

No morn yet to slaves O Indian night

As such I say to a. soft hearted soul

A friend's hidden life how can I reveal

The sky still going on a perverse course

In his pure blood shines not that vigour and heat

He made his heart captive of pomp and show

To him the heart's door is not open yet


His collar is torn, he cares no darn

Give him his dues, of a captive and meek

Refine his morals and life once more

The bride of life, in him is not his own

His eyes are void of a glamour and glee

Though born as Muslim yet knows not the death


The kingship as whole is trick and skill

A Muslim's stuff has a life long stay

Ashamed is Muslim for losing his State

Ask me not of his present day lot

I have scanned the whole world through his eye

The Muslims have raised no armament wings

The assets of Sheikh were the fables old

He brought a total change in faithless world

From fane gets Harem its grandeur and glare

As long in mosque the poor kept a row

The Moslems are fighting with brothers own

To others than God we touch our brows

In the hands of drinkers the empty glass

The synagogues bottles are void of wine

The Muslims are foreigns on every land

With wings you gave I judge and fly

At night before Lord I often cry

I speak not now of the grandeur past

The guard of Harem is the mason of fane

From this poor man's flame, sitting on his way

Like gallants I fall and rise again

Let me sob and sigh in a lone retreat

I fly in the airy lovelier space

Of secret I'told, they paid no heed

To stick it to bosom this verse aims not

You bid me for a theme on bliss life long

My face looks saffron from arcane pain

The meek utter hence of yonder glance

Those who knew not I preached them ego

What I hold in heart is grief and remorse

A poor, ruthfull flutist who taught love's tone

I seek not my vigour from morning air

I'am in a sea which has no coast side

Drive not from door who are longing for thee

On idols white my heart is sweet

From Western taverns the wines I take

I seek from thy door, whatever I seek

With 'mullah' or 'Sufi' I do not sit

The 'mullah' never knows the pangs of grief

On pulpit his address a venom of bile

The heart of lucent hearts he took or I?

An alien I am within my own race

For any one's boon this heart owes not

My craze still feels the same burning phase

This dust still feels His living flame

My glance looks not the world's hollow game

I have been born in a flameless age

The 'rose and poppy' lack my 'scent and shade.

So alien I am in West and East

I broke the magic of the modern age

You have lit up my eyes with an insight

When I pressed myself in my own embrace

The world has charms like paradise true

Bid him O lord! a holy man's lead

Move around O bearer! the wine cup's course

For love the world came from thee the love's flame

To me this burning a boon of thy glow

This heart, I tied not with aught in this fane

Grow that poppy from the dust of mine

To my shining race I would love to groan

For the sake of truth of my free lance tone

I hold a heart in hand find not a beau

Like Rumi I raised His call in Harem whole

Raise a garden new from dust of mine

A Muslim is resting from coast to coast

Who told him I smell thee 'under the rose'

From thy own main give pearls to my rill

In a gathering see my flute's tones sweet

I kept beaming face in this or that case

I have shared the poppy's flame and pain

With thy light alone I lit up my glance

I need in thy land just a melting sigh


I hold very dear that roaring roar

Look to these saucy anglican maids

Give a helping hand to those who are weak


You too take the wine from friend's cup warm

A poor man I'm, you hold the 'Arab's reign

A look of pain I'm and see no cure quick

Let tis join hands to spread his love's flame

You hold a high place in the desert's land

Being Muslims we make no home and false ties

To anglian idols pay not a heed


Be nearer to the aim like a moon new

My self's own sea gave a rise to me

Come O' bearer and move the cup of Wine

Come O' bearer and raise the veils aside

Raise from thy bosom a 'Call of God Great'

From self a Muslim is man perfect

As long the Muslim, in self can peep,

The veils of thy fortune lo! I ope

Now all the shut doors for Turks are ope

A nation whose spring falls to decay

God gave that nation a sway o'er lands

From Razi thus learn the Quran's insight


Who makes Ego firm by 'Lailah's tie

O ignorant man get a knowing heart

Thy heart keeps not that hidden scar


A place of I am God is God's own place

I am the God suits to that nation lone

Among nations large she holds a place great

From her inner verve that race is a flame

Like a unique race thus She flies in space

In garden's lawn he is song bird sweet

Fill the old wine in the New Age bowl


The Mullah and Sufi are cross in deed

When the English subdued the mosque and fane

To Mullah and Sufi thou art a slave

Through the mirror of Quran see thy deeds

I salute the Mullah and Sufi old

On hell kafir-maker MulIah spoke

A well read disciple asked his guide

Thus spoke to his son a guide in patched robe


Pour in thy self that old wine again

Take from his cup those poppy like stems

From his verve and heat I got a good share

Being full of pathos and passion's heat

He solved many ties I had to face

To me his heart's door was always ope

His thought thus flies with stars and moon rays

Take secrets of content from Rumi's call

When self is deprived from godly tint

That bright wine scattered from my wineyard


O desert's breeze rise from 'Arab's sky

Tue Faqr and Caliphate with King's Crown shine

A young man who peeps in his ego deep

For sense and heart's sake leave each door ajar

How happy is the race who wins her goal

That Turkish seaman how sang a song gay

The world rule is destined to my own dust

To certitude truth who so ever knew

A Muslim who tested his own ego first


To Arab poets sweet on my part say

I caused in his soul a verve a heat

You leave making now the portraits on wall

My heart has a grief, and dust has a heart

Of virtues of God Muslim has a part

Give to his dust that flame and might

A Muslim you were named for grief's bargain

On whom were opened the secrets of soul

So guard the nature of thy mud and dust

The hill and desert night defies thy day

Read the clear writing on thy forehead's slate


When all the desert sides were bright from dawn

The Truth chose Arab for caravan's lead

Those nights had the uproar for future's dawn


Learn the ways to win His pleasure and grace

If a craze consumes the garden's face

The poppy of my dawn's first vernal tide

So scattered I'm like dust of the way

How lucky a nation whom wheel of fate

In self's own sea, I'm thus a restive' wave

His glance would fill up the empty bowl

The caravans reins he would take when

To that holy mother I greet with pride

My heart thus says that the hero will hail


The Arabs gained a lot from Prophet's light

Take the Caliphate's witness with a heed

A Moses grapples with kingdoms all

The Adam is slave in this world yet

The love, from his glance is stable and best


In the Ottoman reign, the Turks are free

How daring were they who broke his charms

The fate thus gave to Turks a verve anew


Learn O' daughterling this loveliness trend

A God given sword thy glance to thee

At last modern age shows her conscience lo!

The world is stable from the mother's grace

That nation is lucky in whose hard race

This craze she gave me for sharp wits sense

If you pay a heed once, to this poor guy

From my evening's dusk get a dawn new


What is the age? On whom the faith cries

His glance only paints the heathen's shade

To youths of this age he taught evil ways

The Muslim draws content and kingship close

The dance you now play in this or that way


For him, he opened hundred doors for plots

To Brahmen I say not a useless bloke

A pundit keeps eyes on his own task

The Brahmen said leave this white man's door


A shine which lasts with beauty and grace

A knowledge which cures but melts not to trance

No links with that Momin the God would keep

A blind eye is better from eyes crook

No use of a thought which measures sky

Respect is the dress of a sage or fool

Why you lose hopes of kids a bit

Teach the offspring wisdom and faith's ken

Who sapp'd sweet tone of the birds and buds

The days of that 'Dervesh' O God keep gay

Who e'er tied himself with Lailah's tie

A caravan was killed, if you e'er see

A well dressed fighter and handsome guy

To a camel addressed its youngest foal


If the hawks too fly for roof to roof race

See thy own self with a seeing eye


Thus said to its child a 'croco' with boast

In sea you are not it lies but in thee


I talk not of bearer nor of bowl hence

Back to ego turn, and back to heart look

For heart and eyes course, the ‘Harem’ is the aim


O bearer come and serve the old wine

Leave thy solitude cell for a while please


With times came unrest which passed so quick

Those who had fears for the future days


Like nightingale you know not the groans and wails

Come forward and learn the self seeing art

Give up the habit to weep on fate

A gull said to shaver, nice witty thing

You had fallen then from a godly place

I hail that day when he turns to self's bold

Like me you are too wrapped in a veil

A camel once said a nice word to foal


I know many savants and gems of west

Hark! O victim of wits of aliens few


This being would last or just a passing show

With battle axe smite the Bistoon Mountain

Keep the crave's lamp burning ever in heart

O heart's sea! no peace yet known to thee

To both the worlds win with efforts and zeal

You show us O Poppy! thy self's own trace


A man weeps not from a grief or pains

If a tested man dies think not ever

If thy dust has no link with soul and heart

My each breath blows with griefs many more

A young who tied heart with ego's call

Such griefs this heart now likes to take

Blame not the God for this or that hurt

Turn out fire of envy from thy heart's core

In his nights behold many dawns bright


To the morning breeze' weep'd the dew' in trance


The heart is a sea which likes no shore

My heart is a fire, a smoke my frame

His help the world seeks like his slave own

The Ego's power he did not try

You say the heart is the Khak and Khoon

The world of Sun and Moon, slave of his thread

We are God's harvest its yield is heart

To that rare beauty my heart seeks again

The heart's world is not world of pomp an show

The glance brought eyes and wisdom a tape band

What is the love? an impact of glance


The Ego is lucent from God's light rays

When a nation gives up gossip's course

From God's own being, the 'self' got a 'being' so

The friendship of rose a heart likes when

His parting's prick in my tete-a-tete lies

The dusty look I hold owes to His door


I am quite certain that on the doomsday

In city of Room a pontiff told me


The death once said to God in this way

To king of six nooks give a lasting soul


From me please give to Satan a message

As long He made not this wide world anew

The separation gave to zeal great spur

He drove thee out from the Heavens first

My rights and the wrongs you already know

Let us play a chess like a royal game


From this world's clear violence the man is sick

Look the demons dash on ear and eye lash

What a devil who likes a backward gait

What a venomed wine he holds in his bowl

Yet the man lies fallen from the high place

To Satans of this age be not a prey

His blows counterpart is a man complete

To sense of the means it is far off though


The Qalandar is a bold hawk of sky

When the Allah Hoo's tick did hit my soul

In the heart of nature like tears I groan

In logic I feel a smell of raws

Come and take from me that old wine's bowl

The same old harp I hold in my hand

To tyrants of this age I would thus say

A poor I am whose asset is glance

My heart's door I shut not to any one

No pomp and show I have in this globe

Some points were discussed by hundred wise men

The science or art points I claim not to wield

I boast not to be a song bird of dawn

This world is a path to my eyes and sense

With nothingness learn to live with grace

For long I'm gaining from this dusty mart

You cant learn aught 'sans' a conscious soul

Get a self knowing eye and see thy soul

The wisdom knows not the certitude eyes

What are the clothes, gold jewels and gems?

To self my wine gives full sense and poise

For robes and turbans why you feel a bent

As soon I espied my ego's essence

When I packed my self from this dusty fuss


If a wise man holds clean conscience and soul


You are bowing head to 'Dara' and 'Jam'

I heard a nice verse from a man old

The being's secret hids in two words of sage

The being's secret hids in two words of sage

Two worlds1 of old man I keep in mind still

A restive wave said once to a coast

If this pomp and show the Anglian boon

To Anglians thus the hearts do not own


We are despaired of heart and faith's way

His path's true sign if a Muslim could know

O callous heart make not a link with clay

In Truth and certitude lies the love's place

For Muslim 'this is the gnosis and ken

You handed over thee to idols white

A self maker and melter each cant be

A Momin burns thus in his being's own heat

What is lovers s service, prayers of beaus?

He calls both worlds to Quran by prays


The English mind knows God's Food Law Rules

A long tale serves no service in a sense

A paradise lies for the pious alone


This dervesh knows not a style in speech

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