His thought thus flies with stars and moon rays,
His eye thus views beyond milky ways.
Lay thy restive heart at his fluid tune,
From his quick silver get a quick calm soon.

1.         When you shake the thermometer the mercury settles down. It was difficult to translate the last line of this twin couplet, for example
(I)        Dami’ou his breath/say effect. (2) Rasha; a shakine; a shivering. (3) Az; from. (4) Seemab; mercury. (5) Cheenad; chooses or takes.
If you shake a restive heart it gets content. As such the poet is seeking Rumi’s shaking for a content, peace and tranquility. Say:-
“From his breath trembles not the quick silver thus”. His fluid tune (line 3 is also a restive tune, sharing a grief for the mankind. Thus Iqbal’s quick silver is a restive heart who is seeking calm from Rumi’s breath viz. Rumi’s tune and tone (his poesy).