::.:. Tariq ki Dua

Last Updated :.:. April 7th 2k3 


'Tariq Ki Dua'

The Poem


The Ghazi, these mysterious bondsmen Of Thine, 
To whom Thou hast granted zest for Divinity. 

Deserts and oceans fold up at their kick, 
And mountains shrink into mustard seeds.

Indifferent to the riches of the world it makes,
What a curious thing is the joy of love?

Martyrdom is the desired end of the Momin,
Not spoils of war, kingdom and rule! 

For long has tulip in the garden been waiting,
It needs a robe dipped in Arab blood.


Thou made the desert dwellers absolutely unique,
In thought, in perception, in the morning Adhan;

What, for centuries, life had been seeking,
It found the warmth in the hears of these men; 

Death is the opener of the heart's door,
It's not the journey's end in their sight.

Revive, once again, in the heart of the Momin,
The lightning that was in the prayer of 'Leave Not'.

Wake up ambition in the breasts, O' Lord!
Transform, the glance of the Momin into a sword.


The Conclusion

The prayer of the death-defying soldier was granted and the Arabs gained a magnificent victory. Christian Spain became Islamic Andalusia and a strong Muslim kingdom was established that lasted for eight hundred years. Its downfall came only when the spirit of Tariq and his valiant companions had died among the Moors and the high purpose that had brought them there was forgotten. The extinction of religious fervour and free-living and internecine strife not only led to the termination of Muslim rule in Spain but also imperilled the very existence of the followers of Islam in that country till not one of them was left. Such has been the way of Allah with those that are negligent and ungrateful since the beginning of time.

                  "Thou will not find for Our method aught of power to change." 
                                                                                                       (AlQur'aan 17:77)       


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