Kiyoon ziyan kar banoon sood framosh rahoon?
Fikr-e-farda na karoon mehv-e-gham-e-dosh rahoon?
Naale bulbul ke sunoon aur hama tan gosh rahoon
Ham navaa! mai bhi koi gul hoon ke khamosh rahoon?
Jur'at aamoze miri taab-e-sukhan hai mujh ko
Shikwa Allah se "khakam badahan" hai muhj ko
English Translation
Why must I forever suffer loss, oblivious to gain?
Why think not upon the morrow, drowned in grief for yesterday?
Why must I attentive heed the nightingale's lament of pain?
Fellow-bard! am I rose, condemned to silence all the way?
No; the burning power of song bids me be bold and not to faint;
Dust be in my mouth, but God - He is the theme of my complaint.