My thought, engaged in finding out the final
Went to the Kaaba and the idol-temple both.
I wandered widely in inquirys wilderness,
Collecting my skirts like the whirlwinds flowing dress,
Bound for an unknown destination with no guide,
On my imaginations shoulders borne astride,
Demanding wine with just a broken cup in hand,
Broadcasting like the dawn a net to catch the wind,
Recoiling upon myself like waves in the sea,
Roaming the desert in a whirlwinds agony,
But suddenly your love came and assailed my heart
And with a mighty blow it cut the Gordian knot.
It taught me all that being and non-being mean;
It changed my idol-temple to a holy shrine.
And striking lightning fashion my Selfs granary,
It taught my heart the joy of burning silently.
All in a rapture I was carried off my feet;
And I became a shadow, from myself discrete.
The sublimating force of what you taught my heart
Sent my dust soaring right up to Heavens starry height.
My beings storm- tossed ship at long last came to Port,
And into beautys channel all my ugliness was poured.
I have no tale to tell except the tale of love:
I do not care if men approve or disapprove.
Of learnings light I do not have the slightest need;
And all I have to do is burn and melt and bleed.