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Secrets and Mystries

from the original Persian with
introduction and notes
Reynold A. Nicholson


Showing that the system of the universe originates in the...
Showing that the life of the Self comes from forming...
Showing that the Self is strengthened by Love
Showing that the Self is weakened by asking
Showing that when the Sell is strengthened by Love its...
A tale of which the moral is that negation of the Self is...
To the effect that Plato, whose thought has deeply...
Concerning the true nature of poetry and the reform of...
Showing that the education of the self has three stages :...
Setting forth the inner meanings of the names of Ali
Story of a young man of Merv who came to the saint Ali...
Story of the bird that was faint with thirst
Story of the diamond and the coal
Story of the Sheikh and the Brahmin, followed by a...
Showing that the purpose of the Muslims 's like is to...
Precepts written for the Muslimss of India by Mir Naj«t...
Time is a sword
An invocation
Dedication To The Muslim Community
PRELUDE: Of the Bond between Individual and Community
That the Community is made up of the Mingling of...
Concerning Muslim Freedom and the Secret of the Tragedy of...
That since the Muhammadan Community is Founded upon Belief...
That the Country is not the Foundation of the Community
That the Organization of the Community is only Possible...
That in Times of Decadence Strict Conformity is Better...
That the Maturity of Communal Life Derives from Following...
That a Good Communal Character Derives from Discipline...
That the Life of the Community Requires a Visible Focus,...
That True Solidarity Consists in Adopting a Fixed Communal...
That the Expansion of Communal Life Depends upon...
That the Perfection of communal Life is Attained when the...
That the Continuance of the Species Derives from...
That the Lady Fatima is the Perfect Pattern of Muslim...
Address to the Veiled Ladies of Islam
Summary Of The Purport Of The Poem
The Author’s Memorial To Him Who Is A Mercy To All...

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That in times of decadence strict conformity is better than free speculation

The present age has many tumults hid
Beneath its head; its restless temperament
Swarms with disorders. The society
Of ancient nations in these modern times
Is in confusion; sapless hangs life’s bough.
The glamour and the glitter of our days
Have made us strangers to our very selves,
And robbed our instrument of melody;
Filched from our heart its pristine fire, and dimmed
Within our breast the radiance and the flame
There is no god but God. Whene’er decay
Destroys the balanced temperament of life,
Then the community may look to find
Stability in strict conformity.
Go thou thy fathers’ road, for therein lies
Tranquility; conformity connotes
The holding fast of the community.
In time of Autumn, thou who lackest leaf
Alike and fruit, break never from the tree,
Hoping that spring may come. Since thou hast lost
The sea, be prudent, lest a greater loss
Befall thee; the more carefully preserve
Thy own thin rivulet; for it my hap
Some mountain torrent shall replenish thee
And thou once more be tossed upon the breast
Of the redeeming tempest. If thy flesh
Is yet possessed of a discerning eye,
Take warning from the Israelitish case;
Consider well their variable fate,
Now hot, now cold; regard the obduracy,
The hardness of their spare and tenuous soul.
Sluggishly flows the blood within their veins,
Their furrowed brow sore smitten on the stones
Of porticoes a hundred. Though heaven’s grip
Hath pressed and squeezed their grape, the memory
Of Moses and of Aaron liveth yet;
And though their ardent song hath lost its flame,
Still palpitates the breath within their breast.
For when the fabric of their nationhood
Was rent asunder, still they laboured on
To keep the highroad of their forefathers.
O thou whose ancient concourse is dispersed,
Within whose breast the lamp of life is out,
Grave on thy heart the truth of Unity,
And in conformity essay to mend
The ruin of thy fortune. In the time
Of decadence, to seek to exercise
The speculative judgment of the mind
Completes the people’s havoc finally;
Salvation lieth less in following
The blinkered pedant’s dictum, being found
Humble imitation of the past.
Caprice corrupted not thy fathers’ brain;
The labour of the pious was unsoiled
By interested motive, finer far
The thread of thought their meditation wove,
Closer to the Prophet’s way conformed
Their self-denial. Jaafar’s raptured view
And Razi’s patient delving are no more;
Departed is the glory that adorned
The Arab nation; narrow shrunk for us
The defile of the Faith, whose mysteries
Every impostor boasteth to possess.
Thou, who art stranger to the secret truths
Of Faith, if thou art wise, accord thyself
With one sound Law; for I have heard it said
By those who take and know the pulse of Life,
Thy contrariety severs Life’s veins.
The Muslim lives by following one Law;
The body of our Faith’s community
Throbs vital to the Word of the Quran.
All earth we are; that is our conscient heart;
Hold firm to its protection, since it is
The Cord of God. Upon its sacred thread
Gem-like be safely strung, or otherwise
Be scattered, as the dust upon the wind.

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That in Times of Decadence Strict Conformity is...

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