The Materialistic Culture
Of this civilizations of ungodliness beware
At war which is with men of truth;
The mischief-monger nothing but mischief breeds,
In the Harem it reinstalls the idols of Lat and Uzza.
By its sorcery the eye of the heart is sightless,
The soul thirsty with its barrenness;
The joy of eagerness it kills in the heart,
Nay the heart itself it destroys.
The depredations of the old thief are for all to see,
Even the tulip cries, "What have they done toy scar?"
Note: Iqbal referring to the atheistic nature of Western philosophy of life whose foundation is built on the intolerance of religion and is frequently engaged in the carving of new images.
Lat and Uzza: are names of idols pre-Islamic idols worshipped in Arabia.