RECENT ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND IQBAL'S CONCEPT OF LIFE AND DEATH Lieut.-Colonel (Rtd.) K.A. Rashid Introduction. In this article I shall be dealing mainly with biochemistry and bio-physics, as I feel the days of philosophy are over and the noumenal world and the phenomenal world have become more closely related, interconnected and inter-transferable. It has now become easy to discern the similarity between the two. The details of this relationship, which were hitherto unknown to philosophers, are now being discovered with more precision, and, as we have arrived in the computer age, philosophical imaginings have become volatile. Physics has discovered the philosophical aura in electromagnetic waves and in vibrations of atomics and radioactivity. The bio-chemists of today are the alchemists of old. Each one has been trying to prolong life in his own way: the bio-chemist by working on the genetic code and the alchemist by seeking the elixir! But life is not worth prolonging unless it is worth living. It appears that in olden days — in the time of Noah — life was in-deed worth living, as people lived for longer periods. The pleasures of life have indeed dwindled gradually and life has acquired a short span. It has now been proved that the individual cells of living being have a blueprint of the entire human being and the genes which are the smallest part of a chromosome are capable of rejuvenating by assimilation. The genetic code has first to be translated into the “albumin language”. This code is a physiological script recently discovered in the chromosomes which lays bare a programme of life and death. This indicates the human, capacity for renewal. This programme includes the materialisation of consciousness. It has also been discovered that all the living forms of life are radiating with energy. In short, they are vibrating in different wave-lengths which depict their function. The entire human body is surrounded by an aura which has now been photographed. It has been found that man is enclosed in an envelope of invisible forces. This aura changes in colour and in intensity according to its emotional and physical state.[1] Not only man but all forms of life in this universe are an ordered and controlled creation manipulated in an electromagnetic field. This can be measured and recorded with precision. They form a pattern for every living being which is unchangeable and every time it is renewed it assumes the same shape as the original pattern, The Holy Qur'ān has categorically stated that the creative power of God has created man on a set pattern which is unchangeable. This pattern is particularly interesting in the case of man. It was previously assumed that all the cells of the human body are turned over and renewed every ten years. But it has now been found that the proteins of the human body are being turned over every six months, and in some organs of the human body even earlier! This electro-dynamic field of the human body serves as a matrix or a mould which we have called the pattern and it does not change shape even when the cells are being renewed. They fall in the same pattern just as iron filings form the same pattern every time they are poured over the magnetic field. Although science has proved this to be renewing every six months, the Holy Qur'ān clearly indicates this renewal taking place every day! It says: “And those in the solar system and the earth ask of Him (of their survival). (Say :) Every day He is in a new state (of glory).” This verse clearly indicates a renewal of form, which may not be perceptible to the naked human eye. This is going on all the time. And this life, which is ever changing on this planet, is not isolated from the rest of the universe, but is a part of it and is influencing and affecting the life of other beings in different ways. Animals and plants are also controlled by the same electro-dynamic field and are thus an integral part of the universe and are hence subject to the same universal laws (taqdīr). “Plants nourish man and animals, animals feed on each other, so when we remember that we should starve without sunlight from some ninety-three million miles away, it is not hard to accept that we were subject to the other great force of space.”[2] It is most interesting to see that against the universal law (taqdīr) man has invented spiritual laws (qismat) to satisfy his appetite for the Unknown which comprises mostly fiction and fables ! Man has failed to understand that this creation is the work of a Beneficent and Benevalent God, and nothing but good prevails here. All evil and pollution is of man's making. In spite of this, man believes his views about qismat to be true. Haunted houses, ghosts and evil spirits are of man's own imagination sprung out of his primitive religion of magic and taboo. The strangest paradox is that man, being a rational knowledgeable being, lingers on to such intellectual fraud! These spiritual laws have one set of meaning in the Western world and another in the Eastern world. The truth of this is that they are both confused. This attitude is so foolish that it cannot be considered even as a recreational pastime. The only reason these ideas arise is to satisfy the appetite for the urge to know the unknowable, which is unknowable. Hence any search for it will lead to confusion and fantastic tales based on lies which an honest man cannot confirm. “Nature is reluctant to reveal its secrets to the intellectually arrogant.”[3] It is for this reason that the Holy Qur'ān has discouraged such pursuits in several places. In one place it says: “And follow not of that which thou hast no knowledge. Surely, the hearing, the sight and the heart, of all these it will be asked.” It is a clear indication for them to be aware of listening to ghost stories and clairvoyance demonstration! The Vibration Theory of Creation. We have been talking of vibrations, electromagnetic and electrodynamic waves in the process of creation and prevalent in this universe. These are not new ideas, but have lingered in the mind of man quite for some time. The following quotation will be of interest to the student of religion, science and philosophy, which has been taken from the eighth letter of Ḥaḍrat Mullā Shah's Maktūbāt (b. 1072/1661) : ’’آمدم ب سر مقصود و آن چہ گفتم و مضمون آن را بتو معلوم کردم حقیقت بجز اینست کہ آن متموج گشتہ یعنی بر سر موج زدن آمدہ، وقتیکہ موج زدہ موج تو شدی مثلاً و دیگر زمین شد و دیگر آب شد دیگر ہوا شد و دیگر آتش شد دیگر آسمان شد۔‘‘ It may be rendered into simple English as follows: “I have come to the conclusion, and whatever I have said, the meaning of this has been made clear to you. The truth is nothing beyond this : that that started to vibrate, that is, it forced out its wavelength and the moment the waves spread, one of them became you, and the other the earth, and yet the next turned into water, and the other became air and still another became fire and yet another turned heavens (solar system).”[4] In the eleventh letter of his Maktūbāt, Ḥaḍrat Mullā Shāh talks of sound patterns in terms of wāz-i hayūlā (آوازِ ہیولیٰ), that is to say that when God Almighty created the pattern of this universe, it was enveloped in sound waves which were vibrating and congenially condensing to assume different forms. I have al. ready discussed elsewhere,[5] that this sound was the sound of hū (ھو) — He, which was vibrating, and condensed to form a glowing mass of clouds (دخان) from which the universe emerged, and later separated after cooling and contracting. Says the Holy Qur'an: “Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavenly bodies and the earth were closed up. So We rent them asunder. We made from water everything living. Will they not then believe?” (xxi. 30). Two things are now clear from this: first, the solar system was one mass which cooled and contracted and broke off to occupy space and became the cosmos ; and, secondly, as the mass cooled it gave off vapour which came down in the form of rain, and from this rain-water life was created. Modern bio-chemistry has proved that life was created out of water and modern cosmology also has confirmed that the cosmos was a glowing mass which cooled and contracted and broke off to form the various galaxies. “In our own day and generation, brain waves, heart waves, concomitants of nervous impulses of muscle contraction and of glandular activity have filled the literature with a great deal of exceedingly important information.”[6] This entire discussion will recall that biology has taken over from philosophy ! In modern times the electrodynamic theory of life was developed by Dr F.S.C. Northrop of Yale.[7] The Human Brain. The human brain is the seat, the control and the transformer of total vibrations in the human body. It must be realised that the localisation of brain function is not yet complete. But when completed it will be found that the brain not only controls all the physical movements of the bodily organs, but also emotions and extra-sensory or supra-sensory perceptions. The quality of these vibrations is electromagnetic and is function-ally dynamical. Such vibrations pervade the atmosphere and have the capability of emanating and transforming even what is called astral aspects of the human body. Telepathy and premonitions are part of the brain which remain dormant and undeveloped in individuals not prone to such practices. The brain is a transformer for these vibrations which are usually called the spirit or the soul, and the astral projection is also a part of the brain function. But unless and until the localisation of the functions of the brain is completed, it will be futile to discuss the problem any further. But suffice it to know that in the present scientific age everything is offering a scientific explanation by experimental methods which are verifiable, or could be verified in the very near future. A very interesting and significant aspect of such experiments was discussed in a very high conference held in 1971 in Bijurakan in the U.S.S.R. to discuss extra-terrestial intelligence.[8] In this conference some very important decisions were obtained ft Soviet scholars, which may be briefly stated as follows. Civilisation' similar to earthly civilisation did exist in the universe, but necessarily anthropomorphic, yet technically man advanced. This civilisation of ours, therefore, is not unique. Contact between two civilisations was possible. It was possible that the progress of technology on any planet could stop, either due to “self-destruction” or as a result of some “cosmic catastrophe,” or “possible owing to a change in the philosophy of a form of life that does without technology.”[9] It is now confirmed that technology has progressed on earth so much that we can send and receive signals up to a tance of a hundred light years! Even the Russians have invented computers to decipher signals in code. These new methods of communication have brought out the discovery of the LASER (Light Amplification of Stimulated Energy Radiation) and MASER (Microwave Amplification of Stimulated Energy Radiation). Even telepathy is being considered as a means of interstellar communications. It is supposed to do away with electromagnetic methods, but it is again overlooked that these telepathic waves are emanating and projecting from the brain. The speed of thought which is emerging from the brain is much greater than the speed of light! A lot of work has also been done on parapsychology in recent years parallel with natural sciences, such as physiology, biology and bionomics. It is now considered that extra-sensory perceptions like telepathy, clairvoyance and premonitions are similar faculties which lie dormant or latent in man, unless they are developed and utilized, by realising and appreciating the force with which the brain is vibrating. “Many indications show that in olden times man possessed strongly masked ESP faculties that have gradually been lost without an increasingly technological environment. But every now and then these faculties crop up again in individual cases.”[10] ESP is frequently seen to exist in aminals and birds. This is evidenced by the fact that many a time when a calamity like an earthquake or fire is apprehended the animals like dogs and birds come to know about it beforehand and even leave the locality. The Holy Qur'ān says in one place that they are species like your-selves: “And there is no animal in the earth, nor a bird that flies on its two wings, but (they are) communities (species) like your-selves” (vi. 30). They arc, therefore, endowed with the same faculties of self-preservation of which premonitions are more prominent in them than man who has other faculties also to pre-serve himself. These birds and animals are not only endowed with human instincts, but they also have their own languages and methods of remembrance (prayers). Says the Holy Qur'ān again: “Seest thou not that Allah is He Whom do glorify all those who are in heaven and earth, and the birds with wings outspread? Each one knows its prayers and its glorification. And Allah knows of what they do” (xxiv. 41). I have mentioned this in passing to illustrate that birds and animals are species like human species. In fact, I would not be far wrong if I said that I see human caricatures in them all!!! They may have been human communities in the past, but due to their evil actions they received punishment. After all we have a clear instance of a community being turned into monkeys: “So when they revoltingly persisted in that in which they had been forbid-den, We said to them: Be (as) apes disposed and hated” (vii. 166). I am surprised that this verse of the Holy Qur'ān was never brought to the notice of Darwin, otherwise he would have perhaps reversed his theory of evolution of man from monkeys! However, this cannot be denied that the faculty of ESP is most prominent in animals and birds and lies dormant in man unless developed. Mechanism of Communication. The premonitions and telepathic communications originate from brain cells in the form of vibrations which establish contact with future events through a pattern which is forming and which they understand and interpret. Up till now, “all telepathic radiations are unrecognised source of energy”.[11] But this energy exists in the form of vibrations which I have described above at some length. The brain, I have said, is a kind of transformer for this energy which can project itself out. The human body is created on a pattern of extreme excellence, which is unchangeable. Each organ is composed of cells of respective tissues. There are 60,000 billion cells in the human body! It is estimated that 500 billion cells of some type die every day and are being renewed. The intake of food regenerates them, and the excreta which issues forth from the holes of the human body is the waste product of the body resulting from the metabolism of body tissues. The vibrations of communication emanate from the brain and are known as electromagnetic waves. These have been measured and mapped.[12] It is also now established that “atomic fission has shown that matter—once considered 'solid' — can sometimes be converted into waves of energy.”[13] It is this wave of energy which I consider to be the soul or spirit. These fields of electromagnetic waves are emanating not only from the human body, but from every leaf of the trees and wings of birds and other animals. Universal Organisation. “This Universe is the product of organisation, not chance.”[14] Hence there must be an organiser. If there was no Creator this world would not have continued to exist for long. It must, therefore, have a plan of organisation. This Planner and Organiser is Allah, the Great Supreme Organiser. This leads the modern scientific researches to formidable conclusion. “As the matter in the earth is a part of the original matter of the Universe, so life on earth is part of the original life of the Universe.”[15] There is evidence before us that Nature is no fumbling hobbyist.[16] Says the Holy Qur'an: “Our Lord! Thou halt not created this (cosmos) in vain” (iii. 191). And says He again: “Do you think We have created you in vain, and that you will not be returned unto Us?” This hobbling is not an attribute of the Creator, but man considers this world as a playground and this life as jest. Says the Holy Qur'ān again: “And the life of this world is but a sport and play”. And finally it says: “We did not create the heavens and the earth and that which is between in sport” (xliv. 38). A very pertinent question has been asked by a Western writer: “Where did the earth get its raw material to evolve?” I have discussed the answer to this question in my article: “Qur'ānic Cosmology”.[17] And I have also mentioned some details about it above under my theory of vibrations. It is a very vital question to which an answer must be sought before proceeding any further to study the organisation of this earth. We have said above that a process of self-renewal is going on in body tissues, and it is estimated that after every six months the entire proteins of the body are replaced with now proteins and the tissues are renewed. Not very long ago it was thought that these tissues are renewed every ten years and a new being appears. The interval has now been reduced to six months, but, as I have stated, according to the Holy Qur'ān, this renewal is taking place every moment. This change is so rapid that it is imperceptible, but the most amazing phenomenon is that the original pattern remains the same. There is no alteration except when man advances in age and certain features change due to fair decay relaxing the surface tissues. While the tissues are changing in advancing age, they are communicating with each other. That is to say, each cell communicates with the other through electromagnetic vibrations. This process continues in the brain cells also and in thought and memory. Thought stimulates thinking with the aid of memory, and this circuit is completed by constant communication. Western scholars do not agree with this idea of mine. Edward Russell says: “Nobody has ever found one molecule chatting with one another.”[18] In 1958, while I was in London studying at the Royal Army Medical College, I was looking at a specimen of stools under the microscope. I suddenly came across a colony of giardia lamblia which presented to me a most fascinating sight. I watched them very carefully. This organism resembles the face of man. It has a mouth, a pair of eyes and ears and has a beard. I saw very clearly that some of them would recognise a passerby and stop to talk to him. And if anyone was not acquainted with the passerby he would quietly swerve aside and leave his path. I was extremely thrilled by their behaviour and I wrote a detailed letter to the late Maulānā ‘Abdul Mājid Daryābādī in India who published it in his weekly Ṣidq.[19] This episode clearly indicates that the cells or molecules do communicate with each other, and one day, like the genetic script, a molecular language would be discovered and re. corded in the instruments to be invented. This script and language would disclose secrets of the creative pattern. This is tantamount to saying that vibrations prevailing in the atmosphere are not only communicating with each other externally but also communicating internally between the cells of the human body. They are affecting the behaviour of everyone. They are indestructible, but interconvertable into matter. Another very interesting thing has been recently discovered and it is the process of recording our actions in the human body. Says Edward Russell: “There is within the brain a Ganglionic record of past experiences.”[20] The main vehicles of experience in the human body are the limbs, the sexual organs, and the organs of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Each of these organs are vibrating and communicating with the brain and with each other as well as with the outer world. Personally I was of opinion that this record was being maintained in brain cells in the form of tiny hairlike fibrous tapes, which would be projected as if on a TV screen to show man on the Day of Resurrection what he had been doing! An enormous portion of brain is yet unlocalised in its function, as I have already stated. When new regions of the brain are allocated their functions, new light would be thrown on this aspect of man's life. The Holy Qur'ān has a verse to show that such recording does exist: but in what form, it has yet to be discovered. Says the Holy Qur'an: “And We have made everyone's actions to cling to his neck and We shall bring forth to him on the Day of Resurrection a book which he will find wide open” (xvii. 13). The word used here for neck is ‘unuqihī,, which really indicates height. This is a clear indication that the book of actions will not be found tied to the neck, but preserved in a record stored in the brain. This is not mere imagination but supported by facts and scientific investigation. Recording of waves and vibrations has now been proved scientifically and fully established. It is a well-known fact that “thought can produce chemical changes in the silver-bromide molecules of a photographic emulsion.”[21] Similarly, thought can record all experience suitably converted into appropriate and relevant pictures. Thoughts vibrate and act like an electromagnetic field. There is not the slightest doubt about this fact, and we have already indicated above that certain areas of the brain are linked up with the five senses of the human body. All the vibrations and recordings are taking place in accordance with the Universal Law — the Law of Taqdir — the Law of Estimates, under which all established scientific laws fall. Some of these scientific laws keep changing as discoveries keep coming, thus conforming to the Universal Law. Actions do not have to wait to see the result till resurrection. The good and evil actions of man attract and dispel clouds or bring in other calamities. Action vibrations make our fate during our lifetime. Man thus moulds his destiny. Man is responsible and answerable for his own acts. He is not determined but answerable. The fatalism has ruined the character of man. The fate of the ancient people as described in the Scriptures overtook them during their lifetime after they had been duly warned. The fate of Joseph's brothers and Potifer's wife became apparent to them after a short while of their lifetime. It is law which is predestined and predetermined, but not actions. The law has been known to every living being in this creation and actions are taking place according to a set will which determines the results. Nature does not relax its Universal Law of Taqdīr for anyone, nor can man bribe, or for that matter any living being can bribe, Nature! Nature is neither “wrathful” nor “vindictive”. Everything here is for the good of man. But man does not apply brakes to his conduct and thus upsets everything! The Pattern. We have talked about vibrations which, modern terminology, may be called electromagnetic waves. It is now established that these move at a rate of 400 million waves per second! The speed of vibrations for each sense is different, and so also is the speed of thought. This speed be-comes slower as we advance in age: as, for example, our sense of hearing and of sight become deteriorated. This is due to the change in frequencies. There are patterns of vibrations within the universe on which is based the temperament of beings, colour and sound. This is unchangeable. These patterns are based on the creative power of the Almighty Who has designed each species in accordance with its purpose and environment. Even the atom has a set pattern and is a system within itself. Thus each being in this creation is self-contained. “Our feeling of ourselves resides entirely in the body, and even our spiritual emotions are deemed to rise within this shell.”[22] Not to talk of individual entities, the whole creation is an amazing phenomenon. To give you an idea, “this whole solar system is but one of some 1,000 million similar systems which make up the galaxy known as the Milky Way. . . . Even this is only one of 10,000 million galaxies in the known Universe.”[23] This gigantic creation is indeed awe-inspiring. Scientists specialising in cosmology and cosmogony are left astounded at the Creator's method of creation in which everything is vibrating, communicating, transforming and is reinterpreted through the brain to expose noumenal and phenomenal worlds. The reinterpretation of all paranormal psychological phenomena is revealing the extra-sensory perception world, and laying bare the facts of life in a more concrete and factual way. Thus the subliminal sophisticated spiritual aspects of human belief are being converted into facts of life discernible to ordinary individuals in a more scientific manner, shedding away the spiritual garb of traditional interpretation. Even the water-diviner's twig is vibrating to locate the stream of water which is hidden from the human eye. It even locates hidden minerals in the mountains. These vibrations are being “translated into action” and virtually converted into material results, just like light is converted into green matter in plants (chlorophyll) ! It is indeed a super-intelligent universe. “We need to be little more inspired in our thinking, and recognise these patterns, and many other equally fascinating are the result of programmes laid down by a superior intelligence in the noumenal world.[24] The noumenal world like the phenomenal world is also of cosmic nature except that it is vibrating and is being translated and transformed into the phenomenal world. The Holy Qur'an talks of this phenomenon in a more amazing way when it describes fertilisation and pollination through the aid of breeze. Says the Holy Qur'an : “And We send the winds fertilising, then send down water from tine clouds . . .” (xv. 22). This verse of the Holy Qur'an will clearly indicate that not only the vibrations of the breeze are communicating, but they are also pollinating. It is translating a factual process through vibrational vehicle. Not only this, the Holy Qur'an has also a chapter on vibrations entitled, “al-Dhārigāt” (li.) which is normally translated into English as “Scatterers”. Anyone can see that our translation is more appropriate. The opening verses of this chapter run as follows: “By those scattering broadcast! and those bearing the load ! and those running easily ! and those distributing the affairs (orders). What you are promised is surely true. And the judgment will sure come to pass” (li. 1-6). Do these verses of the Holy Qur'an not indicate vibrational activities in the cosmos? It clearly shows how the vibrations of different qualities are being transported and the purpose for which they are transported. It requires a clear rational mind to appreciate the pattern of programme of the Almighty and how it is working. If now, this chapter is read along with chapter lxxvii. called “al-Mursalāt,” the whole pattern will become clear. The title “al-Mursalāt” can be translated as the “Communications,” but it is normally translated as “Those Sent Forth”. I feel our translation is more to the point. After all, what is that which is sent forth? — mostly communications. This chapter relates to the vibrations communicated, and runs as follows: “By those communications (sent forth), spread goodness, then those push on with a forceful pushing, and those spreading goodness far and wide, then those making a distinction, then those offering the reminder, to clear or to warn. Surely that which you are promised comes to pass.” How are these pollens being directed to the appropriate plant? And how are these appropriate wavelengths being picked up by the receiving stations? This is the universal pattern of cosmic programme. We have described in some detail how the pattern is projecting the vibrations which are being translated and transformed into various actions. Pollens are attracted in the manner of vaginal vibrations. There is a trigger network spread all around which is attracting the desired waves to fulfil the errand. This is happening in the emotional field as in the field of dreams, with our paranormal senses. Actually, this phenomenal world is a “pattern of rhythms” translated from the vibrations of the noumenal world! This was popularly known as the spiritual world, of which we know nothing. It is today the world of vibrations emerging from the universal pattern created by the Almighty. The creative power (Fiṭrat Allah) has created man on this pattern (faṭarannās) which is signified by the expression faṭaran (pattern). Says the Holy Qur'ān : “The creative power of God has made man on a set pattern” (xxx. 30). Such translations of the pattern of vibrations are taking place all over the universe and man has even acquired the knowledge of recording and interpreting such vibrations. We have already cited the examples of water-divining and mineral-divining above; such vibrations even descend from the supra-space where they are ever emanating from the echoing sound Hū (He). All patterns receive their vibrations from the original sound which is emanating and translating various forms of its wave-lengths to meet the requirements of creation. In the beginning of this article, I gave a small quotation from the Maktūbāt (Letters) of Ḥaḍrat Mullā Shāh. It will be of interest to see that a similar thing was said a hundred years ago by the German chemist Karl von Reichenbach who believed that the “Universe was permeated by a variety of non-physical vibrations.”[25] Now, the question arises: How does one become aware of such vibrations? It is a matter of simple experience of one's consciousness of senses of the phenomenal world — which become related to the para-normal senses of the noumenal world, which are being translated into physical patterns. And consciousness is nothing but awareness of these facts! And the self is nothing with-out consciousness. The moment consciousness is withdrawn, man either falls asleep or dies and enters the noumenal world of vibrations. The Holy Qur'an uses the word nafs for the “conscious self” or “consciousness,” and in a few places for the physiological and anatomical heart. In one place the Holy Qur'an says : “Allah takes men's consciousness (nafs) at the time of death, and those that die not during their sleep” (xxxix. 42). Obviously, the word nafs here means consciousness as we have indicated; for, if it is meant the soul or the spirit, as is usually understood, man would die, as the soul leaves the body only at death! But here it leaves temporarily at the time of sleep. It, therefore, means consciousness, and not soul. Time Factor. Therefore, as soon as consciousness leaves the human body, man comes into contact with the supra-normal vibrational fields which give him an inkling into the noumenal world from where the waves are translating themselves into the physical field of consciousness. This projection of consciousness into the noumenal field is in the dimension of non-physical time, which is an extension of consciousness. Time, according to the Qur'an, is divided into there categories: (1) Dahr=this is eternal time of the noumenal world ; (2) ‘Aṣr=this is serial time or ages or periods ; and, (3) Waqt=this is physical time which came into existence after the creation of the solar system. This extension of consciousness from physical into eternal time comes about through a process of withdrawal of physical vibrations, thus entering the noumenal fields. This is a communication procedure. It is also at the same time a translating and transforming procedure. Man becomes aware of such sensations as area. from his conscious awareness. And, as the pattern of everything which has happened, is happening or has yet to happen from the beginning of this creation to its end, is present in the noumenal field, it becomes easy to perceive what is going on in the patter' once consciousness becomes attuned to the noumenal field. The body on such occasions is creating and liberating its own energy which is sending forth vibrations. This is meeting its counterpart from the cosmic pool, thus energising the whole system of give. and-take. This dimension of time we have talked about is merely an extension of consciouness into supra-consciousness, thus linking up various shades of the cosmic pattern. This extension in time' also a projection into space from the physical to the noumenal thus completing the whole link. This is the field (path) on which the fore-knowledge and premonitions travel. No individual especially endowed with this faculty. It is happening with eve one. We need to keep our eyes and ears open, reflect, ponder and rationalise (Qur'an). These faculties lie within every human being, Not only that ; it is also possessed by animals and birds! Other species are, therefore, not devoid of this faculty. Even the plants are equally gifted. Consciousness makes its transit through several paths in the noumenal world and is capable of scaling all obstructions and valleys, thus producing a link of associations with the vibrating patterns. Before I close, I would like to say a few words on the various levels of consciousness and the method in which this universe is being maintained and sustained. There are different levels of being (consciousness). These levels are attainable by everyone. This requires adherence to certain laws of self-control. These laws are identical with universal laws, which are the universal patterns of creation. It is to these levels of being to which Iqbal refers in his poetical verses. Being (the conscious self) for Iqbal is khudī. Iqbal seems to think that it can conform to the pattern of taqdīr before it takes its form in the phenomenal world. This pattern of taqdīr its the universal pattern of creation or, in the words of the Qur'an, fatarannās. Faṭaran and pattern are identical words assuming different forms through a metathesical change, like Paradise and Firdaus, or as the word Pharaoh has developed from Paru, Fara and Fir‘aurn! “Each world order in the hierarchy of the universe possesses its own consciousness.”[26] In modern times Ouspensky[27] and Gurdjieff [28] have also prescribed methods of self-control which are very vital in the achievement of higher consciousness. I now come to a very important question which is vital to this article. And' it is this. How is this universe maintaining itself'? After all, this universe is not dead matter. Everything here is living.Even the particles of sand have to adhere to themselves to maintain their shape. And, of course, the animal and the vegetable beings are all living beings, and require to be sustained in order to maintain their living. The universal pattern of which we have talked about is a living pattern which is full of energy and from where all energy is flowing and emanating to sustain all living beings. This universal pattern in its own turn is being energized by the universal energy which is the source of all life, and this is the Almighty Creator. It is He Who is the Creator, the Destroyer and the Sustainer of everything. This is expressed by the Arabic word Rabb, which means all the three, that is, Creator, Destroyer and Sustainer. Energies are being transformed to suit the requirements of nourishment of every being and they are being sustained. Says the Holy Qur'an And (in) the variation of the night and the day and (in) the sustenance which Allah sends down from the heaven, then gives life thereby to the earth after its death and (in) the changing of the winds are signs for a people who understand” (xlv. 5). It would be of interest to see that everything on this earth is being eaten by the one stronger than it, and in the end the earth eats them all up! Life does not end here. These bodily energies are not being wasted. They are being transformed into other forms, and would reassemble on the Day of Resurrection in this very form in which they have left. A very interesting story is related in the Qur'an about Prophet Abraham. He was doubtful about this attribute of God Almighty as to how He would raise up the dead, and he asks of God Almighty: “And when Abraham said : My Lord, show me how Thou givest life to the dead. He said : Dost thou not believe ? He said : Yes, but my heart may be at ease. He said : Then take four birds, then tame them to incline to thee, then place on every mountain a part of them, then call them, they will come to thee flying. And know that Allah is Mighty Wise” (ii. 260). Many people have been misled about the nature of life after death. Even Muslim scholars (Iqbal[29]) have blundered, and have stated that Hell and Heaven are “states and not localities”. This impression, according to the Qur'ānic verse just quoted above, is entirely wrong. The life hereafter is just as material as this place, except that it will be absolutely pure, devoid of all pollution and evil which is the creation of man. The same vibrations will energise to reassemble and attain the same form which will carry no physical defects. Notes and References [1] Johannus V. Battler, Journey to Eternity, London : Neville Spearman, 1975. [2] Harold Saxton Burns, Blueprints of Immortality, London: Neville Spearman, 1972. [3] Ibid., [4] Persian Manuscript. [5] “Quranic Cosmogony,” The Pakistan Times, Lahore, 5 September 1976. [6] Burns, op. cit. [7] S.H. Burt and F.S.C. Northrop, Quarterly Review of Biology (1935), 10 : 322-33. [8] Buttler, op. cit [9] Ibid. [10] Ibid [11] Ibid [12] Edward Russell, Design and Destiny, London : Neville Spearman, 1973, [13] Ibid. [14] Ibid. [15] Ibid. [16] Ibid. [17] See footnote 5 above. [18] Op. cit. [19] Ṣidq.i Jadīd, Lucknow (India) (1968). [20] Op. cit, [21] Edward Russell, op.cit. [22] A.H. Reyner, The Diary o, A Modern Alchemist, London : Neville Spearman, 1974, [23] Ibid. [24] Ibid. [25] Quoted in Reyner, op. cit. [26] Ibid. [27] P.D. Ouspensky, Tertium Organum, London : Routledge & Kogan Paul, 1957. [28] Gurdjieff, All and Everything, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962. [29] Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Lahore: sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1960. ![]() |