WHAT IQBAL WISHED TO DO OR WISHED TO BE DONE Iqbal at different places in his letters expressed his wish either to write himself or ask his correspondents to write on the following topics:
(I) [References, unless otherwise stated, are to Iqbal Namah published by Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf (Lahore), Vol. I (n.d.) and Vol. II (1951)] 1. Political and social conditions of 8th/14th-century Muslim world during the life of Hafiz of Shiraz (I, 35-37, 43) 2. Study of `Iraqi's Lam`at and "Time" (I, 44; II, 443) 3. Hallaj's Kitab al-Tawasin (recommends study of Massignon's explanatory notes) (I, 54; II, 51, 79) 4. A Tadhkirah of poets of Kashmir after the pattern of Shibli's Shi'r al-`Ajam (I, 58) 5. A study of Harith Muhasibi whose mysticism influenced Jewish and Christian mystics (I, 68-69) 6. A study of Buddhist influence on the life of pre-Islamic and post-Islamic Central Asian and Arabian people (I, 78) 7. A study of Muslim contribution to philosophy: (i) in the field of logic—criticism of Aristotelian logic (I, 127, 128, 130; II, 214) (ii) regarding conception of Time and Space (I, 122, 156, 164, 165, 166, 168, 443)—(a study of Mamonides is also recommended in this respect—I, 156) (iii) in the field of Mathematics (I, 247) 8. A study of Indian Muslim contribution to philosophy (I, 165, 180) 9. Constitutional position of Imam (Khalifah) with reference to Turq al-Hikmiyah of Ibn Qayyam (I, 145-50) and I'lam al-Mu'qi`in (I, 152, 403) 10. A study of Wali Allah, especially with regard to Irtifiqat (I, 160-63) 11. An Urdu translation of Wali Allah's Tafhimat and Budur-i Bazighah (I, 188, 197) 12. A study of the concept of Collective Security in the light of the Qur'an, ix. 49 (I, 204) 13. A detailed study of: I— (a) religious and political history of Islam; (b) mysticism; and (c) jurisprudence (I, 202-03, 399) II— cultural and philosophical aspects of Islam (II, 90) 14. A study of Semitic conception of Prophethood (I, 420) 15. A study of Shaikh Ahmad of Sirhind (II, 48) 16. A study of Tipu Sultan (II, 89) 17. A history of different sects among Muslims (II, 218) 18. A study of Muslim moral and political theories (II, 221) 19. A study of Shah Muhammad Ghauth of Gwalior (II, 373) 20. A study of Hadi Subzwari and Mulla Sadra (I, 156; II, 157) 21. An illustrated edition of Javid Namah (I, 169, 178) 22. A study of Ibn `Arabi with ref. to Fasus al-Hikam (I, 44) and Futuhat (I, 164, 168, 180-81) 23. A study of Shihab al-Din Maqtul (I, 117) 24. A study of Fakhr al-Din Razi (I, 123, 158) 25. A study of (i) Khushal Khan Khattak and (ii) Sana'i (I, 310; II, 163) 26. A history of the Punjab during Muslim rule (pre-Sikh period) (Maktubat ed. by Syed Nazir Niyazi, p. 283) 27. A study of Muslim India during 1707-1867 (ibid., p. 284)
(II) [References are to S. A. Vahid (Ed.), Thoughts and Reflections of Iqbal] 1. Conception of God in Schleiermacher (13) 2. Vedanta of Sankara (13) 3. (a) Islam as a moral and political ideal (29) (b) Study of Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Manichaenism (as it influenced Christianity) (29) 4. Slavery in Islam (40)Influence of Muslim civilisation on modern Europe (45) 5. Abdul Qadir of Algeria (45) 6. Defensive and aggressive wars in Islam (46) 7. Political theories—Sunnite, Shiite, Kharijite (62-63) 8. Shaikh Ahmad Rifa'i—a booklet translated by Maulana Sharar (81) 9. Intellectual history of the Muslims of Western and Central Asia from the 10th century onward (82) 10. A study of S. Alexander (Gifford Lectures) (94) 11. Ethical issues involved in the question of Time (96) 12. Immortality (96) 13. Race ideal—its history and effects (98-99) 14. Germs of an economic and democratic organization that lie scattered in the pages of the Qur'an and Traditions (100) 15. Ibn `Arabi, `Iraqi, Mujaddid Alf-i Thani (101) 16. Humanist movement in Europe—its rise (the result of Muslim influence) (104) 17. Intellectual life in Muslim Spain and its effect on Europe (104) 18. Pringle-Pattison (Gifford Lectures) (112) 19. Einstein's Relativity (114) 20. McTaggart (116)
(III) 1. Study of religious experience—expansion of what has been written in the first two lectures 2. Existentialist thinkers—theistic Keirkegaard and Christianity, Martin Buber 3. Modern Christian theologians like Tillich, Niebuhr, Berdyaev, Barth, etc. 4. Whitehead 5. Spenglar—a critical study of his views 10. A study of Wali Allah, especially with regard to Irtifiqat (I, 160-63) 11. An Urdu translation of Wali Allah's Tafhimat and Budur-i Bazighah (I, 188, 197) 12. A study of the concept of Collective Security in the light of the Qur'an, ix. 49 (I, 204) 13. A detailed study of: I— (a) religious and political history of Islam; (b) mysticism; and (c) jurisprudence (I, 202-03, 399) II— cultural and philosophical aspects of Islam (II, 90) 14. A study of Semitic conception of Prophethood (I, 420) 15. A study of Shaikh Ahmad of Sirhind (II, 48) 16. A study of Tipu Sultan (II, 89) 17. A history of different sects among Muslims (II, 218) 18. A study of Muslim moral and political theories (II, 221) 19. A study of Shah Muhammad Ghauth of Gwalior (II, 373) 20. A study of Hadi Subzwari and Mulla Sadra (I, 156; II, 157) 21. An illustrated edition of Javid Namah (I, 169, 178) 22. A study of Ibn `Arabi with ref. to Fasus al-Hikam (I, 44) and Futuhat (I, 164, 168, 180-81) 23. A study of Shihab al-Din Maqtul (I, 117) 24. A study of Fakhr al-Din Razi (I, 123, 158) 25. A study of (i) Khushal Khan Khattak and (ii) Sana'i (I, 310; II, 163) 26. A history of the Punjab during Muslim rule (pre-Sikh period) (Maktubat ed. by Syed Nazir Niyazi, p. 283) 27. A study of Muslim India during 1707-1867 (ibid., p. 284) (II) [References are to S. A. Vahid (Ed.), Thoughts and Reflections of Iqbal] 1. Conception of God in Schleiermacher (13) 2. Vedanta of Sankara (13) 3. (a) Islam as a moral and political ideal (29) (b) Study of Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Manichaenism (as it influenced Christianity) (29) 4. Slavery in Islam (40)Influence of Muslim civilisation on modern Europe (45) 5. Abdul Qadir of Algeria (45) 6. Defensive and aggressive wars in Islam (46) 7. Political theories—Sunnite, Shiite, Kharijite (62-63) 8. Shaikh Ahmad Rifa'i—a booklet translated by Maulana Sharar (81) 9. Intellectual history of the Muslims of Western and Central Asia from the 10th century onward (82) 10. A study of S. Alexander (Gifford Lectures) (94) 11. Ethical issues involved in the question of Time (96) 12. Immortality (96) 13. Race ideal—its history and effects (98-99) 14. Germs of an economic and democratic organisation that lie scattered in the pages of the Qur'an and Traditions (100) 15. Ibn `Arabi, `Iraqi, Mujaddid Alf-i Thani (101) 16. Humanist movement in Europe—its rise (the result of Muslim influence) (104) 17. Intellectual life in Muslim Spain and its effect on Europe (104) 18. Pringle-Pattison (Gifford Lectures) (112) 19. Einstein's Relativity (114) 20. McTaggart (116)
(III) 1. Study of religious experience—expansion of what has been written in the first two lectures 2. Existentialist thinkers—theistic Keirkegaard and Christianity, Martin Buber 3. Modern Christian theologians like Tillich, Niebuhr, Berdyaev, Barth, etc. 4. Whitehead 5. Spenglar—a critical study of his views
SUBJECTS SELECTED FOR IMMEDIATE WORK 1. Iqbal and Modern Existentialist Thinkers, specially Martin Buber Primary emphasis to be placed on Iqbal's thought. 2. Study of Indian Mystics with special reference to their contribution to Mystic Thought—like Hujwiri, Mu'inuddin Chishti, Nizamuddin Auliya, Abdul Qaddus of Gangoh, Shah Muhammad Ghauth of Gwalior, Gesu Daraz, Yahya Munyari, etc., etc. 3. A History of the Punjab during Mughal Rule (pre-Sikh period) 4. A Study of Abdul Qadir Baidil—His Life and Thought Beside these the following subjects are also approved: 1. A book explaining and elucidating all references in the works of Iqbal (prose as well as poetry) to individuals, places, events and books. It is to be divided into four parts, each part being arranged alphabetically. 2. An index of Iqbal's poems to be called " t I6.i:.S".
1. Iqbaliyat ka Tanqidi Ja'izah by Qazi Ahmad Mian Akhtar Junagadhi (1956, 1965) 2. Iqbal ke Khatut `Atiyah Begum ke Nam (trans.) by Z.A. Barni (1957) 3. Iqbal Iranian ki Nazar Men by Dr. K.A.H. Irfani (1957) 4. Maktubat-i Iqbal by Syed Nazir A. Niyazi (1958) 5. Islami Tasawwuf aur Iqbal by Dr. A.S. Nuruddin (1960) 6. Asrar-o Rumuz per Ek Nazar by Prof. Muhammad Uthman (1961) 7. Iqbal ke Akhri Do Sal by Dr. Ashiq Husain Batalvi (1961) 8. Iqbal aur Hyderabad Deccan by Nazar Hyderabadi (1961) 9. Iqbal aur Siyasat-i Milli by Rais Ahmad Jafri (1962) 10. 'Ilm al-Iqtisad by Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1962) 11. Iqbal aur Jamaliyat by Naseer Ahmad Nasir (1964) 12. Sahih Falsafah-i Tarikh Kiya Hai ? (booklet) by Dr. M. Rafiuddin (1965) 13. Islam aur Science (booklet) by Dr. M. Rafiuddin (1965) BENGALI 1. Kalam-i Iqbal by Poet Ghulam Mustafa (1958) 2. Educational Philosophy of Iqbal by Syed Abdul Mannan (1958) 3. Political Thoughts of Iqbal by Maulana M.A. Rahim (1960) 4. Historical Background of Pakistan by S.A. Mannan (1960)
SINDHI 1. Hayat-i Iqbal (trans.) by Professor Lutfullah Badvi (1957) 2. Javid Namah (trans.) by Professor Lutfullah Badvi (1965) 3. Armughan-i Hijaz (trans.) by Professor Lutfullah Badvi (1962)
GUJRATI 1. Zubur-i 'A jam (trans.) by Syed Azimuddin Munadi (1961) 2. Payam-i Mashriq (trans.) by Syed Azimuddin Munadi (1964)
PASHTO 1. Zubur-i `Ajam (trans.) by S.M. Taqwimul Haq (1961) 2. Bang-i Dara (trans.) by S. Rahat Zakheli (1963) 3. Payam-i Mashriq (trans.) by Sher Muhammad Mainosh (1964) 4. Armughan-i Hijaz (trans.) by Amir Hamzah Shinwari (1964) 5. Javid Namah (trans.) by Amir Hamzah Shinwari (1964)
PERSIAN 1. Zarb-i Kalim (trans.) by Dr. K.A.H. Irfani (1957) ARABIC 1. Asrar-o Rumuz (trans.) by Dr. A.W. Azzam (1956) 2. Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (trans.) by Dr. Abbas Mahmud (1957)
TURKISH 1. Payam-i Mashriq (trans.) by Dr. Ali Nihad Tarlan (1964) 2. Asrar-o Rumuz (trans.) by Dr. Ali Nihad Tarlan (1954) 3. Six Lectures (trans.) by Madam Sufi Huri Hanum (1964)
GERMAN 1. Payam-i Mashriq (trans.) by Dr. Annemarie Schimmel (1963)ENGLISH 1. Introduction to the Thought of Iqbal by M. A. M. Dar (1962) 2. First Principles of Education by Dr. Muhammad Rafiuddin (1962) 3. The Place of God, Man and Universe in the Philosophic System of Iqbal by Dr. Jamila Khatoon (1965) 4. A Bibliography of Iqbal by K.A. Waheed (1965) ![]() |