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Online lecture "Iqbal's Philosophy of Education"
Guest Speaker: Senator Waleed Iqbal

The fourth lecture of Iqbal Academy Pakistan's online lecture series titled "Iqbal's Philosophy of Education" was broadcasted. The guest speaker was Iqbal’s grandson Senator Waleed Iqbal. The lecture consisted of three parts. Mr. Waleed Iqbal said that thousands of books have been written on Allama's thought and teachings. But few books on Allama's philosophy of education are available. If one examines Allama's life, education and knowledge have always been the focus of his attention. He also started his practical life as a teacher. For fifteen years, Allama was associated with the field of education and teaching. Only on the basis of knowledge can man conquer the universe. Allama Iqbal lamented that Muslims had lost their rise to prominence due to lack of education. The lecture was aired on Iqbal Academy Pakistan's YouTube channel and website in the last week of September and can be viewed there.

Iqbal Academy Pakistan