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Special Lecture:
"The Basic Source of Iqbal's thought – The Qur’an Al-Hakim"
Guest Speaker: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Ch

A special lecture was organized by Iqbal Academy Pakistan on October 26, 2020 at Aiwan-e-Iqbal. The guest speaker was eminent teacher of Arabic language and literature, critic and researcher, former Head of the Department of Arabic and Dean Oriental College, Punjab University, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Chaudhry. He spoke on the topic "The Basic Source of Iqbal's Thought - The Qur'an Al-Hakim". He said that it is very important to refer to the Qur'an to understand the words and philosophy of Allama Iqbal. The Qur'an Al-Hakim is the true essence of Allama Iqbal's thought and ideas. So the basic condition for understanding Iqbal's thought is to refer to the original source i.e. the Qur'an. Most of Iqbal's poetry describes the Qur’anic perspective, but some of the verses are directly related to the concepts of the Qur'an. He elaborated the topic and pointed out important references.
This lecture is available on Iqbal Academy Pakistan's website and YouTube channel.



Iqbal Academy Pakistan