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Presidential Iqbal Award for Dr. Muhammad Aslam Ansari

Prominent poet, researcher, critic, teacher and Iqbal scholar Dr. Muhammad Aslam Ansari was awarded the Pride of Performance in recognition for his services in the field of poetry and literature. A special ceremony in this regard was held on March 23, 2021 at Governor House, Lahore. Earlier, Dr. Ansari has also been awarded the Presidential Iqbal Award.His numerous books on Iqbaliayat including اقبالیات پر ان کی کتب ''اقبالِ عہد آفریں ''، ''اقبال: عہد ساز شاعر اور مفکر''، ''شعر و فکرِ اقبال: چند نئے فنی و فکری تناظرات''، ''فیضانِ اقبال: فکر اقبال کی نئی شعری تشکیلات''اور''مطالعاتِ اقبال'' have been published. He has also translated “ JAvid Nama” into Seraiki. His Persian Masnavi "Farrukh Nama" will soon be published by Iqbal Academy. PhD dissertation on his personality and literary services is being done under the supervision of Director Iqbal Academy Pakistan Prof. Dr. Baseera Ambreen. Iqbal Academy Pakistan congratulates him on receiving the Pride of Performance.

Iqbal Academy Pakistan