The members of Iqbal Academy Scandinavia (IAS) in Copenhagen have decided to hold minimum six study sessions in a year. These will be in addition to the normal twice yearly Iqbal Day sessions for general public, The programme of Study Group sessions has been specifically planned for our younger generation in which students from higher classes are going to participate. The purpose of Iqbal study in this way is to establish a serious but informal setting for the exploration, discussion and understanding of Allama Iqbal’s ideas. The main aim is to link Allama Iqbal to actual issues in our everyday life and open up for reflection on how we can use his teachings to understand and develop ourselves and our lives today. The IAS members have asked Ghulam Sabir, the founder of Iqbal Academy Scandinavia, to give every time a lecture in Urdu, which will follow questions/answers and discussion on various points raised by participants.
The first Study Group session was held on the 5th. January, in which Ghulam Sabir addressed the participants highlighting the introduction of Allama Iqbal and his life as reflected in his poetry during various periods and places. The gathering in the first session was small but consisted of very intelligent and eager boys and girls as well as grown up people. After the speech of Ghulam Sabir Hadi Khan, an Executive member of IAS board, explained the aim of these sessions and invited the suggestions from other participants. The session remained extremely interesting and meaningful throughout.
Mr. Ghulam Sabir
Mr. Hadi Khan